Ra.One has been the first movie website in the Bollywood Industry to hit the highest Alexa India Rankings. The movie is in the first 5000 most visited websites. (Precisely: 3,588) and is Globally ranked at 76,662 as on 23rd September, 2011. The website is innovative and is easily the love of any SRK fan who has so much to offer to them apart from the movie.
But it doesn’t stop there. If you see the YouTube Page: http://www.youtube.com/raonemovie, Ra.Onehas managed to create ‘one of its kind’ content on the channel with exclusive videos & movie promos. This is, by far, the most unusual & successful campaign in the Digital Media. The Youtube platform alone has +2,45,000 views!
One of the other innovations is the eStore and Physical Distribution of Movie Specific Merchandise in 149 countries-http://www.raonemovie.com/store/. A total of 64 products are created which are unique in its own style. The products are created which will fit the taste, pocket and interest of all Target Groups.
The movie is the first one to experiment with a Graphic novel and has a weekly strip which will be an addiction to its users. http://www.raonemovie.com/comic/ The movie has started a fad of people creating Name Alphabet(dot) one pages on Facebook eg A.one,B.One.
The most anticipated movie related is the G.one Squad. The concept relates to the character of the Khan of Bollywood who with his good deeds teaches something about the other. The movie has also linked their digital work to ticket booking and bringing direct ROI into the campaign which makes a lot of sense as at least 10-12 % of ticket booking is now being done online. (A mind working on 1000 things is baseless if not achieved success to monies, believes the agency behind Ra.One who is putting their heart and soul to make it one of a kind of a campaign)
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