
Thursday, August 16, 2012

Indian Independence Day 2012 Celebrated Photos and Video


India will complete 65 years of Independence from the colonial rule in the year 2012 and will celebrate it's 66th Independence Day.

Independence Day Video

August 15, Independence Day, is celebrated in a mood of joy and happiness- no rituals, just festivities. It is also a national holiday, with educational institutions, private and government organizations remaining closed, but for official celebrations in the morning.

Schools and colleges mark the day with cultural activities, drills, flag hoisting and distribution of sweets. Government as well as private organizations celebrate it similarly.

Families and friends get together for lunch or dinner, or for an outing. Housing colonies, cultural centres, clubs and societies hold entertainment programmes and competitions, usually based on the freedom theme.

The Prime Minister of India sets the mood by hoisting the national flag and addressing the nation from the Red Fort, the historical monument in Delhi. This is accompanied by a march-past of the armed and police forces. Similar ceremonies are held in all the state capitals. The Prime Minister's address and the march-past are relayed live on national television.
In cities, one sees a sudden burst of saffron, white and green, the Indian tri-colour. The media goes to town with a variety of contests, promotions and programmes related to Indian independence. Television channels show patriotic movies and relentlessly play patriotic songs from old and new Hindi movies. Billboards on roadsides for different brands pay their tribute to the nation.

Everyone seems to have something going for them. Shops and petty tradesmen sell a range of Independence Day merchandise such as flags, stickers, tee-shirts and greeting cards. Street urchins hawk paper and plastic flags and tri-coloured balloons to motorists at traffic signals.

Though a trifle commercial and jingoistic, what lies beneath the celebrations is the national spirit of gaiety, pride and hope for a better future. A spirit and hope that is renewed each year.

Red Fort Ceremony

On the morning of August 15, the Prime Minister addresses the nation from the ramparts of the Red Fort in Delhi. In his speech, he highlights the achievements of the country during the past year and gives a call for further development. He also pays tribute to leaders of the freedom struggle.

Independence Day should not merely become a part of our holiday list. There should be serious efforts in educating the future generations about the struggles which the freedom fighters underwent to give us the freedom that we enjoy today.

There has to be a concerned effort by everyone to make available the lives and teachings of the sons of the soil, who sacrificed their all, so that we could enjoy the freedom.

Independence Day 2012

India will complete 65 years of Independence from the colonial rule in the year 2012 and will celebrate it's 66th Independence Day.

Independence Day Video

1 comment:

  1. The independence day is always celebrated in the mod of joy and happiness. On this 66th independence day you have to give a 66th independence day card. This is also very easy to buy the latest greeting cards.
