
Thursday, August 02, 2012

Attempt to attack Mata Amritanandamayi - A young man tries to attack Matha Amruthanandamayi at her aashram in Kollam

A man who tried to barge onto the podium of spiritual leader Mata Amritanandamayi at her ashram at nearby Vallikkavu was taken into custody by police on Wednesday. 

Police said the 28-year-old man, who claimed to be a law student from Bihar, was stopped by devotees when he ran past them screaming and tried to climb onto the podium where Amritanandamayi was leading the bhajan and spiritual discourse.

Devotees handed him over to security guards, who later took him to the police. During questioning, the man gave his name as Sadmal Singh Mann and said he was studying law in Bihar.He said he screamed and sought to get on to the podium as he was seized by 'the frenzy of the moment.'

Police said the information given by the man was being verified. The man did not have any weapon in his possession. 

Kerala police are in touch with their Bihar counterparts to check the information given by the man. 

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