
Monday, July 09, 2012

Sakhi TV – Upcoming malayalam channel

Sakhi TV Logo
Sakhi TV – Upcoming Malayalam Channel in 2012
Sakhi TV, the first women channel in India is an upcoming malayalamchannel to start functioning towards the end of 2012. The official inauguration of Sakhi TV will be held on 8th February 2012 at 5 PM at Mascat Hotel, Symphony hall, Trivandrum at the presence of invited guests. 
The channel would be an example of women empowerment as it is would
pioneer more opportunities for women in Kerala.
Television channels have become a part of the daily life of people world wide as a day 
begins and ends before it. TV channels are not just for entertainment or just for passing 
information, but have created a space in the life of every individual. Each channel has
 their own individuality which brings people more attracted towards them. While talking
 about the current Malayalam channels, each function according to a vision. Either a 
complete news channel or an entertainment channel does try to keep their viewers intact. 

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