
Saturday, July 14, 2012

Malayalam Actor Sai Kumar to pay alimony

Sai Kumar Family photos Sai Kumar Family galleryMalayalam Actor Sai Kumar on Thursday appeared before the Kollam Chief Judicial Magistrate court for giving statement in a case filed against him by his wife Prasanna Kumari under the protection of Women from domestic violence act. The court has posted the case for final hearing on June15.
Prasanna Kumari, wife of popular actor Sai Kumar filed a petition in May 2009 followed by a divorce petition by Saikumar in a Family Court. The petition seeks monthly maintainence, protection order and order restraining the respondent (Saikumar) from dispossessing the possession of shared residence. The petition also seeks Sai Kumar to pay the loans over the house and car. The hearing was delayed as Prasanna Kumari had to go for the treatment of carcinoma. Divorce petition is pending before the Kollam Family court.
Sai Kumar said before the court, "If there are problems in a family, a wife should not go to the court at the initial stage, but at least, when she cannot tackle the situation. Prasanna's allegation that I have certain relationship with an actress of Malayalam film industry is rubbish. Loan payment of car and house is continuing. I do not know about her carcinoma treatment and an amount of Rs 1.76 lakhs was paid to her by Dileep's company according to AMMA's instruction.''

Saikumar's meeting with his daughter Vaishnavi after the court proceeding yesterday after a long gap at the corridors of the court was a cinematic moment. He tapped on her shoulders and asked whether she was okay. Her eyes filled with tears and that made the crowd who surrounded them emotional as well. Prasanna was seen watching this scene from far behind the corridor.
Prasanna Kumari has demanded an amount of Rs 45,000 from Saikumar to meet her monthly expenses. Chief Judicial Magistrate, on his end had earlier ordered Saikumar to pay an interim payment of Rs 8,000 per mensem to Prasanna Kumari and daughter Vaishnavi. Prasanna Kumari was too a theatre artiste and the common interest is what had led to love between the actor and his wife.

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