
Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Libya: A mass grave with 1,700 bodies found near the prison in Tripoli

A mass grave believed to contain up to 1,700 bodies has been found in the Libyan capital, Tripoli 
A mass grave has been found near Abu Salim prison in the Libyan capital Tripoli containing the remains of 1,200 bodies, Al Jazeera television reportd on Sunday.

The channel quoted its correspondent, but did not give further details in the brief headline.

The government of ousted leader Muammar Gaddafi used Abu Salim prison, in the south of Tripoli, to detain its opponents, including many who rose up against his rule.

The prison was the scene of a massacre in 1996 when, according to human rights groups, about 2,000 inmates were killed. (Reporting Omar Fahmy; Writing by Edmund Blair; Editing by Robert Woodward)

Man collects human remains at the site of a mass grave in TripoliPeople stand around bones found at a mass grave in TripoliMen carry the dead body of a man suspected of being a mercenary fighting for Muammar Gaddafi, found inside a fire station in TripoliLibya: A mass grave with 1,700 bodies found near the prison in Tripoli

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