
Saturday, October 01, 2011

Kerala Ministry

Goverment is an essential part of the State.The Goverment is the machinery that carries out the will of the State.The modern democratic goverment has to perform so many welfare functions.India is one of the biggest democracy of the world. It is one of the true embodiment of equality, fraternity and liberty.Therefore the goverment helps to perform as of one, which is of the people,by the people and for the people.

Mr. Oommen Chandy, Chief Minister
General Administration, Home, Vigilance, All India Services, Fire Services, Science, Technology and Environment, Scientific Institutes, Personnel and Administrative Reforms,  Elections,  Integration, Sainik Welafre, Distress Relief, State Hospitality, Administration of Civil and Criminal Justice, Inter State River Waters, Non Resident Keralites' Affairs, Fisheries and subjects not mentioned elsewhere.
2512040 (Assembly)
2333489 (Fax)
Mr. P. K. Kunhalikutty, Minister for Industries & Commerce
Industries (including Industrial Cooperatives), Commerce, Information Technology, Commerce,Wakf and Haj Pilgrimage, Mining and Geology, Welfare of Minorities, Municipalities and Corporations, Town Planning, Regional Development Authorities and Handloom and Textiles.
Mr. K. M. Mani, Minister for FinanceFinance, Treasuries, Lotteries, Law, Housing, National Savings, Stores Purchase, Commercial Taxes, Agricultural Income Tax, Stamps and Stamp Duties, Local Fund Audit, Kerala State Financial Enterprises, State Insurance and Kerala Financial Corporation.9447043027
Mr. K. P. Mohanan, Minister for Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
Agriculture, Animal Husbandry, Soil Conservation, Soil Survey, Printing and Stationary, Agricultural University, and Warehousing Corporation.
Mr. T. M. Jacob,  Minister for Food and Civil Supplies
Food and Civil Supplies and Consumer Protection
Mr. K. B. Ganesh Kumar, Miniser for Forests and Sports
Forests, Wild Life Protection, Sports, Kerala State Film Development Corporation, Kerala Chalachitra Academy and Kerala Cultural Workers' Welfare Fund Board.
Mr. Shibu Baby John, Minister for Labour
Labour, Employment and Training, Rehabilitation, Factories and Boilers, Insurance Medical Service, and Labour Courts.
Mr. Aryadan Mohammed, Minister for Electricity
Electricity, Railways and Posts and Telegraph
Mr. Thiruvanachoor Radhakrishnan, Minister for Revenue
Land Revenue, Land Reforms, Survey and Land Records and Legal Metrology.
Mr. Adoor Prakash, Minister for Health and Coir
Health, Family Welfare, Medical Education, Indigenous Medicines, Drugs Control, Pollution Control, Homoeopathy, and Naturopathy and Coir.
Mr. K. C. Joseph, Minister for Rural Development and Registration
Rural Development, Planning and Economic Affairs, Dairy Development, Milk Co-operatives, Culture, Registration and Information and Public Relations
Mr. A. P. Anil Kumar, Minister for Tourism and Welfare of  SC and Backward Communities
Welfare of Scheduled Castes and Backward Communities and Tourism
Mr. C. N. Balakrishan, Minister for Cooperation
Cooperation and Khadi and Village Industries.
Mr. K. Babu, Excise, Minister for Ports
Excise, Ports, Harbour Engineering, Airports
Mr. V. S. Sivakumar, Minister for Transport and Devaswom
Road Transport, Motor Vehicles, Water Transport and Devaswoms
Mr. P. K. Jayalakshmi, Minister for Tribal Affaris and Youth Affairs
Welfare of Scheduled Tribes, Youth Affairs and Museums and Zoos.
Mr. V. K. Ibrahim Kunju, Minister for Public Works
Public Works
Mr. P. K. Abdu Rabb, Minister for Education
General Education, Collegiate Education, Technical Education, Universities except Agricultural University, Entrance Examinations, Literacy Movement, National Cadet Corps
Mr. M. K. Muneer, Minister for Pachayats and Social Welfare
Panchayats, Kerala Institute of Local Administration and Social Welfare
Mr. P. J. Joseph, Minister for Water Resources
Irrigation, Command Area Development Authority, Ground Water Development, Water Supply and Sanitation and Inland Navigation (Construction of Water Ways).

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